Playbook to Wake Up to Warm Leads (Pre-Order)
Ready to wake up to warm leads and have control of your pipeline and make sure you have consistent lead flow?
“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime."
I'm going to teach you how to fish. Metaphorically speaking...
You need leads and you need them now…you’re trying everything you can but
You can’t seem to figure out how to actually generate leads consistently…
As soon as your efforts stop so do the lead flow...well
You could just buy leads from lead generators but they are expensive OR
You could go to open houses and try to work with your local realtors to send you their clients or in other words …
Give you the responsibility to make sure they get paid and THEIR client gets a mortgage without any issues…would you do it if you’re in their shoes?
In this market?
Yeah…probably not…
So what are you left with?
Going to events to “network” and hand out business cards like it’s the 90’s, hoping that they call you and send you business? Nope.
Post on Facebook and Instagram that you are now your friends “go to” loan officer and hope that they send you business? Nope.
Reality is your friends aren’t a consistent lead source, unless your friends are realtors or people in the business speaking to potential homebuyers. You could maybe…
Make YouTube videos and hope that they get views just maybe generate leads? Sigh…
See where I’m going with this? None of these strategies are consistent. They require YOU to be putting in a TON of work to just MAYBE get business.
A reddit post I came across...
You need a system where the odds are in YOUR favor…
In manufacturing, there is a term called throughput, it’s basically a measurement of how many products are coming out of the manufacturing plant…so how does that relate to mortgages?
Well whatever your marketing efforts are…there needs to be a throughput and if you’re reading this then you need this throughput aka leads yesterday…
Leads are the lifeblood of the business and you need a quality source of leads that is consistent so you can close loans…. What you need is
A systematic way of not just generating leads but a system to make sure you’re not burning the leads you spend time and money generating…
I’m assuming that you know what you’re doing when it comes to closing loans here and your close rate won’t be a problem BUT if it is…
Don’t worry, We go over how you can optimize your close rate to make sure the leads you’re generating ARE closing.
So why should you listen to me?
I’ve literally spent over a thousand hours tweaking landing pages, google keywords, and spent thousands learning how to consistently generate leads but I was in the same place you are, not too long ago…
I fell into the mortgage industry at the end of 2021 by accident and didn’t know anything…
A year ago I was sitting at my corporate job itching to be an entrepreneur and then I pulled the trigger and walked away from a career in Wall St…
Leaving My Job Last Year
I went on to start my own consultancy, helping a $100M financial service startup improve their processes from Sales all the way to Accounting.
My only reference point to mortgages was my own experience getting pre-qualified as a borrower when I was a W2 borrower.
I didn’t have an LO license but I knew marketing, operations and technology SO
Closing loans wasn’t an option for me… BUT I figured I could generate leads or so I thought
Within a month, I had generated $7M of Non-QM leads (I was targeting self-employed borrowers and they couldn’t go the conventional route).
Want to know how I generated that $7M?
Reddit and Twitter. I would spend hours combing through the internet finding people who complained about their mortgage process and often it’s people who are going through the process like right now…
People Complaining About Their Mortgage Process
In This Case It's Self Employed Borrowers
See the thing is...lots of people do this...I just had to find where these people where...
Once I found them, I’d pitch them that I knew a loan officer that had options that may work for them and
It worked but
It was painful. I had to sit and scroll through everything. If I wasn’t prospecting then there were no leads coming in…I needed a system.
I was like Spock here...waking up and hoping to find new leads online
I knew this approach wasn't sustainable and
There had to be a better way to do this without being tied to my computer...
I had went to school for Systems Engineering and we had learned all about building processes and
systems to work efficiently so that’s where my head went….I knew I could build a system to make sure leads came in everyday and
I spent 7 months testing and figuring out how to set up everything to finally generate quality leads.
I tested ad platforms from Google, Facebook, and Bing...
also tested different ad copy, landing pages, call to actions, every bell and whistle I could find to generate quality leads.
Using Bing Ads To Test If It's Good To Generate Leads
Want to know the truth?
Generating leads is easy BUT
There's a way to generate quality leads and fundamentals you need to understand...
Once you get the fundamentals, you're going to be invincible. Now...
You can spend $8,000 in ads and figure this out...
or You CAN spend thousands of hours like me to figure out how all of this works...
or You CAN hire an agency to build all of this out for $10K/mo. ... nothing wrong with that!
OR I can just show you the complete framework today and you can wake up to hot leads everday...
You get to skip the thousands of hours I put in and the thousands spent on ads AND
Skip to the GOOD part. Sound fair?
Skip the random networking events, begging realtors or even have to buy leads from lead generation companies.
Learn how the game is played and then decide if you want to set it up yourself (which isn't hard) or outsource it to experts....
I'll even show you how you can outsource and get results for cheaper that paying for leads...
I’m going to give you the playbook on waking up to warm leads so you can close more loans consistently
Is it easy? YES if you have the playbook to shortcut the painful parts of learning everything!
You'll be able to shortcut all the mistakes I made and
These skills will put you in the driver seat and you’ll be the one calling shots.
You after learning how to generate leads and building out your system
Heck…I wouldn’t be surprised if many of you go on to opening up your own brokerage once you figure out how leads are generated.**
One last thing I will say is every lender is competing on products but
Not many are competing on process which means
YOU have the opportunity to do that...
I don't mean just a regular high level process that everyone talks about...
I mean controlling the customer experience to the T...from lead to closing day
Doing so will allow YOU to spend more on leads than you're competitor and YOUR customer will be happier because
You're solving problems for them...
If you want to learn how you can wake up to warm leads, spend more on marketing than your competitors and stand out in the marketplace of loan officers then you're in the right place.
Here’s what we are going to cover in this course:
- What you need on your landing page to actually get someone to convert on your website
- How to find the strategic partnerships that become an organic lead source
- How to optimize your close rate and improve your borrower experience
- How to make sure you’re not burning leads or letting them go cold
- Copywriting and Why just building a website isn’t enough
- How to outsource some of this and what to look out for
- Positioning yourself to become the “Go-To” loan officer.
- How to create a plan for you borrowers experience
- What metrics you need to know to generate leads
- How and where to to buy the right type of traffic
- What kind of CRM you need to use (Free & Paid)
- The complete mechanics of lead generation
- Campaign structures and keywords to use
- How to build landing pages
In the end...You'll be able to generate more leads and close more loans consistently.
Please Note: Course Launches September 5th and All Course Content Will Be Available in the Content Section of this Course.
The Complete Playbook to Wake Up to Hot Leads (Video Course, PPT, Google Sheets)